Expression Number

Expression Number (Numerological Name Number)


The Communicator

  • Virtues

    Creativity, charisma, strong communication skills, social intelligence, optimism, humor, artistic talent.

  • Weaknesses

    Superficiality, lack of focus, tendency to procrastinate, mood swings, oversensitivity to criticism.

  • Spiritual lessons

    Learning discipline and perseverance. Using creativity not just for entertainment, but for personal growth and positive impact on others.

  • Relationships

    Charming and romantic, but may struggle with commitment. Best matches are with numbers 1, 5, and 7, who appreciate their lively spirit. May find it difficult with 4 and 8, who seek more structure.

  • Career

    Actor, musician, writer, public speaker, entertainer, journalist, marketer, influencer.

  • Colour


  • Element


Compatible expression numbers

1 5 7 9