Expression Number

Expression Number (Numerological Name Number)


The Powerhouse

  • Virtues

    Leadership, ambition, discipline, financial acumen, strategic thinking, resilience, strong decision-making.

  • Weaknesses

    Materialism, workaholism, authoritarian tendencies, difficulty showing vulnerability, impatience with others.

  • Spiritual lessons

    Learning to balance material success with emotional and spiritual well-being. Understanding that true power comes from integrity and wisdom, not just financial achievement.

  • Relationships

    Loyal and protective, but may struggle with emotional vulnerability. Best matches are with numbers 2, 4, and 6, who provide stability and emotional support. May struggle with 5 and 7, who prefer a more independent lifestyle.

  • Career

    CEO, entrepreneur, banker, investor, politician, corporate executive, lawyer, real estate developer.

  • Colour


  • Element


Compatible expression numbers

2 4 6