Life Path Number


Master Builder

  • Personality traits

    People with Life Path Number 22 are natural leaders and builders. They have the ability to execute large-scale projects and bring lasting changes to the world. They combine visionary imagination with practicality and responsibility. Their challenge is managing the stress that comes with great responsibility.

  • Virtues

    Practicality, vision, ability to build lasting structures, responsibility, ambition.

  • Weaknesses

    Perfectionism, tendency to overload themselves with responsibilities, difficulty managing stress.

  • Spiritual lessons

    Learning to delegate responsibilities and understanding that not everything can be controlled. Finding balance between ambition and spiritual growth.

  • Relationships

    They seek partners who support their vision and ambitions. They may struggle with emotional openness due to their focus on goals.

  • Career

    Management, politics, architecture, engineering, finance, humanitarian projects.

  • Colour


  • Element


Compatible life path numbers

4 8 11 33