Expression Number

Expression Number (Numerological Name Number)


The Master Builder

  • Virtues

    Strong leadership, practicality, vision, organization, perseverance, ability to build lasting legacies.

  • Weaknesses

    Perfectionism, overburdening responsibility, fear of failure, tendency to control everything.

  • Spiritual lessons

    Learning to trust the process and delegate. Understanding that true success comes from cooperation, not just individual effort.

  • Relationships

    Dedicated and responsible partners, but may struggle with emotional expression. Best matches are with numbers 4, 6, and 8, who appreciate their ambition. May struggle with 3 and 5, who seek more freedom.

  • Career

    Architect, engineer, entrepreneur, politician, visionary leader, social reformer.

  • Colour


  • Element


Compatible expression numbers

4 8 11 33